3: Analogy/Homology Blog Post
I chose the horse and the zebra for Homology.
horse is a plant-eating mammal with a flowing mane and tail.
zebra is an African wild horse with black and white stripes.
Both animals have manes and tails. A horse’s mane, if left to grow is long and
flowing where as a zebra’s mane is short, mowhawk like,
coarse hair that is striped. Horses are mainly domesticated and zebras are not.
The most common difference is the zebra’s stripes. Different horse breeds have
different coat colors and patterns but none possess the stripes of a zebra.
Unless a unique breeding occurs and then a hybrid is born.
C) Animals in the genus Equus have evolved over
millions of years from a deer like animal, the proto-horse, with four toes,
to the species we know today that are single toed hooved animals.
A) I chose the dolphin and shark for analogy.
Sharks are long bodied marine fish that are
Dolphins are small marine toothed whales that
have beaklike snouts and are social.