Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 7: Language Assignment Experiment
Part 1
This part was hard but fun. Figuring out how to make my point come across or answer a question without verbal communication was challenging but found myself laughing a lot; and then starting over because laughing is verbal communication. My partners also tried it and found it to be the same, fun but difficult. I assume this is how it would have been before sign language was invented. Wonder how many ideas or plans went in the opposite direction!

Part 2
This one I found to be hard. I didn’t realize before how much I used my body to help communicate my feelings, ideas etc. I knew I wasn’t one of those people that used their hands a lot but I didn’t realize how many facial expressions I used. Even just raising my eyebrows or shaking my head yes or no was so obvious after just a few seconds. I can't imagine anyone not using their body to communicate. Even a non vocal communication of an eyebrow raise or a sneer, it was eye opening. My partners said it was odd to witness, even if it was only for a few seconds, it isn’t what people are use to. They also tried this and none of them could do it for more than a minute. What a boring way to communicate.


  1. Good descriptions on both experiments, but there were guidelines for this post listed in this week's assignment folder. It looks like you might have missed that? There were a lot of specific questions to help frame your post.

  2. I also found the second part of the assignment difficult and relate to the problem with facial expressions. I fell into that trap quite a bit while I was talking and had to restart. I also realized how much facial expressions are mimicked and I wondered how much of it is learned versus how much we are born with. Interesting reading your experience with it.

  3. This experiment was definitely fun and difficult in several kind of ways. Non verbal communication plays a large role in how we communicate and this assignment reiterated this point. Great job!

  4. Hi Diane,
    I too agree that the second part was most difficult. In fact I think the majority of the class felt the same. Up until this experiment I didn't realize how much more that made up communication other than vocal language. Good post.

    Jeannette Lara
